The hour has come to prepare and equip a new breed of budding prophets and fivefold ministerial gifts to Kingdom Dominion. The “wind of God” is blowing to prophetically affect a remnant nation to manifest the glory of God within the venues of men and women.
The ABS Degree Program shall consist of the following 30 core units, plus 30 elective units. Fifteen (15) units must be completed with NDU and forty-five (45) units may be assessed or transfer units if they meet degree requirements.
All Bachelor Degree programs have the requirement of a Bible/Theology Major consisting of the following core requirements. All Bachelor programs require the completion of 120 Semester Units, except the Bachelor of Theology, which requires 150 Units. A minimum of 25% of unit requirements must be completed at NDU.
All Master’s Degree program students must complete required units indicated by the major of their choice. A minimum of 24 units must be completed at NDU.
All Doctoral Degree program students must complete required units indicated by the major of their choice. A minimum of 24 units must be completed at NDU.
Next Dimension University provides a general education for its students. The district seeks to develop the whole person where the individual is greater than the sum of his or her independent educational experiences, a person who will understand the world within and the world without.
Partial scholarships are available and Payoff tuition incentive
is also a discount to total tuition evaluation.
No student is left behind.
(888) 206-4344 EX.700
31500 Grape St., STE 3-189
Lake Elsinore, CA 92532